Title: Badman
Medium: Sculpture
Material: eco-plastic, polyester, acrylic
Size: 150/59 x 125/49,2 x 65/25,6 cm/in
Year: 2020
Collection: Turbofolk

Symbols and Deception

The sculpture Badman as it portrays a figure adorned in priestly garb, wearing a Batman mask on its face, with child-like feet at its legs subtly suggesting the concealed presence of a child beneath the attire. The composition arises from reflections on the authority that a priest or Batman may represent for a child. In the child’s world, a priest serves as an intermediary between God and others, seemingly endowed with supernatural abilities. In contrast, Batman, a superhero committed to the greater good, lacks supernatural powers.

Challenging Authority and Symbols

This sculpture serves as more than a mere reminder of violence inflicted upon children; it also sheds light on the violation of trust in the symbols society shapes. The image vividly portrays a character exploiting symbols to deceive the innocent soul of a child, enabling manipulation. It prompts us to question whether a priest who abuses a child, or any individual who exploits symbols, can truly embody the essence of priesthood. The artwork challenges us to discern the genuine human character beneath the layers of societal symbols and raises profound inquiries about the legitimacy of authority figures and the symbols they employ.

Do clothes make the man? Do we need special clothes to become heroes? What does clothing really hide and what does it show? Can we still perceive the power of symbols, or do we see them as a mask of an empty vision? Can we try to see beneath the surface, or do we judge only by the surface? Do we need status to believe?

“Although the garment is reminiscent of a Roman Catholic cleric, it is not the artist’s intention to take a stance on any particular issue of the Church through his artwork, nor to in any way undermine the teachings of any religion.”
